Music festival leaflet design
Double sided leaflet design and promotional graphics for music festival
The brief: Create promotional leaflets for the Rock On The Rec music festival, a CD insert style folded band line-up, event info flyer and t-shirt graphics.
The design: We created "Rock on the Rec" in 3D text and used vector illustrations to create promotional graphics for the music festival which could be applied to all promotional materials. The rest of the flyer and band line-up leaflet were designed in a similar style. The design was then applied to stage banners, posters, stickers and t-shirts. The designs received great comments from people at the festival.
Comments from the Rock on the Rec music festival...
"The line up flyer was amazing! It looked so slick and professional! Same with the posters!"
"The line-up flyer was ace! Whoever designed that was on the money there. Looked good, had all the right info and was on quality paper. Sounds a bit strange to say but it was just very professional and added to the whole feel of the event." |